Cannabis Corner

with Speaking Wind Woman

Archive for the tag “weed”

Wine & Weed Wednesday 420 @ Cannabis Corner


A Glass of Red wine, and you’ll be fine,
followed up with a toke, its no joke!
Young or old, so I’ve been told,
It heals our brain, and keeps us sane!

Having a glass of red wine a day, along with a bong can really benefit your health!

It is becoming a more commonly  known fact that cannabis assists with the function of our brains due to endocannabinoidsDRStonedThe cannabinoids found in Marijuana/Cannabis work together with the endocannabinoid system to reduce harmful inflammation in the human brain. This is why cannabis is so effective in fighting headaches as well.

Red wine contains a substance called polyphenol, which is an antioxidant for our bodies. This chemical prevents toxic buildup in our brains, allowing them to function better. Read more…

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