Cannabis Corner

with Speaking Wind Woman

Archive for the tag “eating pot”

Friday Facts 420 @ Cannabis Corner


Less than a month to go before we ring in 2016, and I couldn’t help but reflect upon 2015.

This has been another stellar year for cannabinoid research.

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Wine & Weed Wednesday 420 @ Cannabis Corner


A Glass of Red wine, and you’ll be fine,
followed up with a toke, its no joke!
Young or old, so I’ve been told,
It heals our brain, and keeps us sane!

Having a glass of red wine a day, along with a bong can really benefit your health!

It is becoming a more commonly  known fact that cannabis assists with the function of our brains due to endocannabinoidsDRStonedThe cannabinoids found in Marijuana/Cannabis work together with the endocannabinoid system to reduce harmful inflammation in the human brain. This is why cannabis is so effective in fighting headaches as well.

Red wine contains a substance called polyphenol, which is an antioxidant for our bodies. This chemical prevents toxic buildup in our brains, allowing them to function better. Read more…

Monday 420 @ Cannabis Corner

Sleepy Sunday 420 Cannabis Corner

Crumble the green so you can roll,
while you’re at it, I’ll fill my bowl.

Let’s have a puff, enjoy the day
when its over we’ll be on our way.

How Marijuana Affects Sleep

Over the years, many studies have set out to determine the impact that marijuana has on sleep. And the findings seem to explain why many people choose to smoke before bedtime or when they need to unwind. Among the many reasons – cannabis aids in decreasing the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and an increase in restfulness of the sleep itself.   Read more…

Weed Wednesday 420 @ Cannabis Corner


5waysA friend with weed,
is a friend in deed.
The friend who shares,
is a friend who cares

Learn the 5 most commonly ways patients use to consume cannabis…

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Cannabis Edibles: GREEN Ice Cream!

08-31-15-IcecreamI SCREAM…. YOU SCREAM…. WE ALL SCREAM for the GREEN!

Edibles are definitely the way to go for many medical marijuana patients across the globe and new recipes that include cannabis are popping up constantly in my news feed.

Ice Cream infused/made with Cannabis is becoming quite popular.  Ben Cohen (of Ben and Jerrys famously branded ice cream impresarios) declared on HuffPo Live that they’d support making a cannabis-infused version of their sweet treats available where ben-jerrys-half-baked_0_0marijuana is legal. SO, how probable is it that we’ll see Ben & Jerry’s “Reefer Rum” or “Cheeba Cherry” in the freezer case?

With the sale of almost 5 million edibles in Colorado last year, according to Time, creating a food-based marijuana product seems like a no-brainer for Ben and Jerry’s… BUT, for now, it’s not happening – In the meantime….

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Health Benefits of JUICING RAW Cannabis

11539739_10152930199321304_813842085886866972_n“If cannabis were discovered in the Amazon rainforest today, people would be clambering to make as much use as they could of all of the potential benefits of the plant. Unfortunately, it carries with it a long history of being a persecuted plant.” says Dr. Donald Abrams – chief of Hematology Oncology, at San Francisco General Hospital, and a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He does research on the applications of medical cannabis, and has become an advocate as a result.


As Hippocrates, one of the most famous physicians in history once said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”10394094_781144541999957_1742240405315426361_n

WHAT are the advantages of juicing raw cannabis? Here’s a list of our top 5.

1. Avoid the High

These days many people are aware of the health benefits that can be achieved from the cannabis plant, however, there are many fears and inhibitions as a direct result of the media’s influence on the “war on drugs”.  (quite possibly to be known some day as one of the greatest scandals of the twentieth century) because the FEAR OF the HIGH achieved through smoking the herb, might lead you to do crazy and inappropriate things!

This is where juicing or ingesting RAW CANNABIS will make a huge difference.

Since heat is required to convert the THCA in raw cannabis into THC, its psychoactive form, juicing provides a way of obtaining many of the benefits of cannabis without getting high.

2. Ingest Higher Doses

Along the same line, not getting high makes it easier to take higher doses of cannabis and therefore more of its medical components, also known as cannabinoids.

3. Versatility

Cannabis juice can be mixed with a variety of other healthy ingredients to create delicious drinks perfect for any time of the day. It’s also easier to drink cannabis juice while at work, in the car and in other places where smoking or vaporizing might be inconvenient. And remember RAW CANNABIS will NOT produce psychotropic effects

4. 51vgp50XoiL__AA324_PIkin4,BottomRight,-60,22_AA346_SH20_OU15_Avoid Smoking

Juicing, like vaporizing, allows you to avoid the negative effects of smoking. Although cannabis smoke has NOT been linked to lung cancer, it can irritate the airways and lead to minor respiratory symptoms such as chronic bronchitis. Thus, juicing may even help you breathe a bit easier.

5. Prevent Disease

While cannabis is often seen as a treatment for chronic diseases, incorporating cannabis into your diet can be a great way to maintain health and prevent disease. Cannabinoids possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, making them a powerful dietary supplement.

There’s a tendency to discount claims when something appears to be good for everything, but there’s a reason this is the case. The endogenous cannabinoid system acts as a modulator in fine-tuning a lot of these systems, and if something is deranged biochemically in a person’s body, it may well be that a cannabinoid system can bring things back into balance

Doctor Courtney warns those patients with kidneys and gall bladder problems that cannabis juice in natural form poses some risks. Marijuana juice is not recommended for hypercalciuria or hyperoxaluria. Finally, doctor Courtney points out that patients consuming medicines whose efficiency could be decreased by grapefruit or pomegranate juice should inform their doctor before starting a diet with marijuana juice; the same happens if patients use anticoagulants (like Coumadín). Most leafs from plants contain large proportions of vitamin K, which can impede the liver to metabolize these medicines.

If you’re ready….. here’s a great video to getting started:

AND….. On that note…..

cannabis for health logoGet Healthy, Be Strong, Stay happy!

This article was written by Speaking Wind Woman, host of Gypsy Wind Productions who believes education is empowerment – FOR CANNABIS CORNER – FIND US ON FACEBOOK & SIGN UP TODAY……

check out her website and YouTube video series!!! © 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Pills or Pot? Drug or Not?

I’m truly beginning to believe that we’ve become overwhelmed with the information surrounding the medicinal uses and benefits of marijuana.  Pills (pharmaceuticals) or Pot (marijuana, cannabis) is a big debate in the minds of many chronic pain sufferers who are tired of existing in pharmaceutical comas. Until 2012 I was one of those patients.  I have spent a great amount of time since then researching  to avoid ever becoming that patient again – INFORMATION IS POWER and these days….. I’m proud to say I have great strength.

Curious About CannabisTHE CORNERSTONE OF MY SUCCESS TO DATE is – CANNABIS.  Utilizing it in my food frequently has had a tremendous impact on the quality of life I’ve enjoyed.  Inhalation through vape or smoke has prevented countless episodic flares, provided essential immediate relief from muscle spasms and aids tremendously in achieving a full nights sleep.

The biggest challenge I’ve incurred using marijuana is the hurdles and strength required to get through the narrow passages of CONDITIONED MINDSETS  – MARIJUANA IS NOT A DRUG. Yes, it produces a chemical compound we all know as THC – it’s the cannabinoid responsible for the psychotropic “high” that is achieved when ingested or inhaled.

Consider this – fruit &/or vegetables produce alcohol – does that mean grapes or potatoes should be considered a drug?  Just sayin’

Though the term pot-head may apply some days, I’d rather have the psychotropic effects from a natural substance that works in conjunction with my body (see the post about the endocannabinoid system ) versus a chemical substitute (synthesized ingredient derived from plant) that my body will reject, or poison (alcohol) that will rot my liver and pickle my brain! Honestly, the next time you want to argue BOOZE is better than BUD – check out this post! (scheduled April 20)

Pharmaceuticals,  ARE DRUGS….. for god’s sake sheeple….. we go to the “Drug store” … we get nervous that we may not have enough refills. We PAY… MIND BODY & SOUL for these drugs.  Ask yourself who’s truly benefiting when the next ailment you have is a direct result of another medication and NOW you are on a new “DRUG” – congratulations — soon you will be a statistic.

INFORMATION IS POWER – I can’t state this fact enough.  And you will want to be armed with information when you bring the subject up with General Practitioners, family friends and co-workers.  Hopefully the posts here will help get you started so that you can once again take control – AFTER ALL, IT IS YOUR LIFE AND YOU SHOULD BE IN THE DRIVERS SEAT!

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Cooking with Cannabis – Part 2 (Let’s get cooking)

Curious about cooking with cannabis?

Then lets get started…..

Since the internet is chock full of great recipes a simple Google search will produce a phenomenal list to choose from – I’ll save myself and you  some time by sharing a few of my favorites!


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Cooking with Cannabis – Part 1

gethigh-amazonWhy cook with cannabis? What can go wrong? Will an overdose kill me? These are the questions I’ll answer to jump-start the COOKING with Cannabis Series. I’ve been sharing a significant amount of information in THE FIBRO FIGHT SERIES about diet, yet I’ve left out one very important component that has had incredible impact on my health – CANNABIS! Incorporating this “super-herb” in regular recipes is I am certain, the catalystic choice that changed my world and turned my health status around.

I had been smoking &/or vaporizing marijuana for approximately 6 years; I was achieving tremendous relief from the muscle spasticity and pain I endured from compounding conditions directly related to Fibromyalgia and excess prescription medication (as my doctor did NOT believe nor condone the use of marijuana). I had tried ingesting more than once – but really had no idea what I was doing and messed it up! Read more…

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